“A Steamed Nutcracker”
“A Steamed Nutcracker” is an original ballet created by Lari Lawrence-Gist that puts a steampunk spin on a holiday tradition. The story of Sansa is told set to the score of “The Nutcracker” by Tchaikovsky, which is played live by a professional orchestra. The production is staged every other year in rotation with “The Citadel Spectacular”.
It is Christmas Eve. Sansa hosts a party in her grounded zeppelin, and her sister, Fiametta, helps finish decorating. The Seer arrives and greets the girls with warmth and excitement. She “offers” to provide fortune telling for all the guests for the night. Fiametta is very excited, but Sansa tries to object. The Seer will not take no for an answer. Sansa’s best friend, Cora, arrives with a special gift. As the girls prepare to play a game of “battle” with their new toy soldiers, Lawton enters and The Seer begins to have a premonition.
As guests arrive, the two friends are both immediately drawn to Lawton; tension builds. The Seer continues to tell fortunes with her orb. When she reads Cora’s future, a dark prophesy is forseen. Cora doesn’t understand what she has seen and becomes defensive. Sansa, who hasn’t seen the prophesy, defends her friend and refuses to look into the orb. The Seer shows Fiametta instead, and she attacks Cora. Sansa stands in solidarity with her friend. Despite the drama, the party continues, but Cora realizes the attachment growing between Sansa and Lawton. In a fit of confused rage and jealousy, she storms off.
The party continues as Sansa and Lawton fall in love. Fiametta and The Seer try to refocus Sansa’s attention with The Seer’s clock, but Fiametta’s game gets out of hand and it breaks. Lawton distracts her once again and she forgets all about the Seer, and unfortunately, Cora. The Seer tries one more time to get Sansa to see the danger she is in, but Sansa is lost in the daze of new love. The party ends and guests depart. Sansa drifts blissfully to sleep, but The Seer finds a way to haunt her dreams.
The Seer’s birds sound the alarm when Cora, who has come back to have it out with Sansa, breaks in in the middle of the night. Her efforts are broken up by The Seer, and she sends her away. Cora flees, and The Seer begins to enchant the zeppelin to protect Sansa. Sansa, not realizing the real danger she is in, follows The Seer out. The Seer sets the zeppelin off to fly thinking Sansa is safely inside, and surrounds it with an army of Cyborgs. Cora reappears to attack Sansa, and Lawton appears to defend her. Despite all her efforts, The Seer’s prophesy is fulfilled.
The Seer is tortured by her gift of sight. She wants to protect Sansa, but sees now that her actions cannot change the future. She must send Sansa away, but how can she make her listen? Is a small deception worth it in the end if Sansa believes it and moves toward her future with no fear of being visited by The Seer again?
2023 Production Information
A Steamed Nutcracker Cast List 2023
The Seer: Lari Lawrence-Gist Understudy: Hannah Crownover
Sansa: Amelia Lifferth
Understudy: Lily ArnoldLawton: TJ Nichols
Cora: Avery Valenti
Understudy: Hadley HouseFiametta: Ava Neidlinger
Understudy: Genevieve GattBrammall: Titan Shaw
The Seer’s Birds: Annabelle Sinnett, Vivian VanHekken, Lucy Walters Understudy: Peyton Knudson
Aviators: Elena Crownover, Kailyn Hinkelman, Hannah Sabo, Violet Seaton, Falcon Shaw
Timekeepers: Evening Cast: Tony Jordan, Ava Neidlinger, Piper Seaton. A fourth will be added from the following understudies: Genevieve Gatt, Annabelle Holt, Hadley House, Marley Momany, and Titan Shaw. Matinee Cast: Tony Jordan, Amelia Lifferth, Ava Neidlinger, Avery Valenti
Cyborgs: Lily Arnold (evening only), Kimberly Barber, Hannah Crownover (evening only), Genevieve Gatt, Annabelle Holt, Hadley House, Tony Jordan, Amelia Lifferth (matinee only), Marly Momany (matinee only), Paige Mulick, Ava Neidlinger, TJ Nichols, Piper Seaton, Avery Valenti Understudy: Titan Shaw
Three Eyed Ravens: In addition to Sansa (Amelia Lifferth, Lily Arnold) Kimberly Barber, Hannah Crownover, Genevieve Gatt, Annabelle Holt, Hadley House, Tony Jordan, Corinne Martindale, Marly Momany, Paige Mulick, Ava Neidlinger, TJ Nichols, Torey Robbins, Piper Seaton, Titan Shaw, Avery Valenti Understudy: Zoe Hume
Ball Guests: Annabelle Holt, Hadley House (evening only) Zoe Hume, Tony Jordan, Corinne Martindale, Marley Momany, Torey Robbins, Piper Seaton, Avery Valenti (matinee only)
Toy Soldiers: Natalie Caswell, Audrey Clements, Adeline Gist, Aurora Kern, Kenzie Knudson, Ada Schulz, Corinne Sinnett, Henley Sinnett, Sophia Vanderboegh, Fiona Arnold, Elizabeth Gaspari, Ella Guthrie-Emerick, Aria Haase, Karina Hamann, Peyton Knudson, Lydia Petsovich, Fern Rendell-Heth, Liliana Rios
Household Staff: Kimberly Barber, Paige Mulick, Wes Shenker
December 12th
5:00-8:00 Full Run at Citadel (Toy Soldiers released at 6:30)December 13th
Load In Noon (Staff and Volunteers)
Call Time 4:30
Tech 4:30-9:00 (Toy Soldiers released at 6:30)December 14th
Call Time 4:30
Tech/Walk Thru with orchestra 4:30-8:30
Toy Soldiers released by 7:30December 15th
Call Time 4:30
Dress Rehearsal 4:30-8:30December 16th
Call Time Noon
Sansa’s Tea Party 12:30
Matinee 2 pm
Evening 7pm -
The Citadel Dance & Music Center is a 501 (c) (3) organization dedicated to bringing high quality Dance & Music to our community. Our seventh staging of “A Steamed Nutcracker” will take place on the Mendel Center Mainstage Saturday, December 16th, 2023. This is an original ballet written by Director of Dance, Lari Lawrence-Gist, and is accompanied by a professional orchestra directed by Steven Reed. We are working to bring every elementary age child to the matinee performance so they are able to experience the magic of not only the story, but also, that of the harmonious relationship between Dance & Music. We hope you are as excited to support this production as we are to share it with our community for the seventh time!