We strive to inspire a sense of excitement and curiosity and to instill the disciplines of Dance & Music as art forms and a way of life

“The first word that comes to mind when thinking about the Citadel Dance and Music Center is excellence. After spending over ten years in both the dance program and the music program with our kids, I can easily say that the teachers in both programs are unequaled. They are highly skilled professionals and it is easy to see that they want to pass their love of dance and music on to their students. “

Jean Carrick, Dance & Music parent

 Contact us.

Sponsors & Donors

  • The Berrien Community Foundation

    The Schalon Foundation

    The Upton Foundation

  • Scheetz Family Foundation- Richard & Brittany Scheetz
    Daniel Hopp
    Gregory & Karen Petsovich
    Corbin & Dixie Detgen
    Brian & Lauren Norris
    Jerry & Sheryl Hunt
    Juliano Stefanovitz
    Bruce Conybeare
    Sam & Anna Abdelnour
    Philip & Lisa Bubar
    William & Jane Marohn
    Judith Jones
    Donna Metz
    Lisa Cripps/William Downey
    Great Lakes Scientific, Inc.
    Ellen Daly
    Abby Savage
    Debra Kenyon
    Allan Westmaas
    Kristin Harrington
    Sandra Fischer
    Kraig Kirkdorfer
    Dana Wales
    Tim Walls
    Oliver Songlingco
    Larry & Jenny Schanker
    Jill DeFranco
    Lowell & Judy Hamel
    Christopher & Katherine Kwon
    Don & Carol Hafer
    Pete Sterling & Joanne Schrock
    Richard & Susan Westin
    Vickie Head
    Dan & Jill Valenti
    Richard Stauffer
    Sandra Levin
    Joshua & Lori Bolt
    Brennan & Mandy Haase
    Dave & Lynn Holmgren
    Eric & Tera Heiser
    Orrin & Bridget Lorenz
    Mr. & Mrs. Toan Pham
    Mamie Yarbrough
    James & Amy Marohn
    Joe & Kelly Spillane
    Liv Scherer
    Leslianne Clarke

  • Chris Kwon- Chair
    Brennan Haase- Vice Chair
    Lesli Clarke-Secretary
    Lynn Holmgren-Treasurer
    Ambie Bell
    Deb Kenyon
    Jenny Schanker
    Lori Todd
    Tim Walls